The excellence of the knowledge of Christ will allow you to live a resurrected life. Knowing Him will bring blessing and success upon your life like nothing else.
Key Points
- We are living in perilous times.
- Let’s not have confidence in our own fleshly works.
- The world is all about self, we’re not supposed to be.
- In fact, stay away from people who are all about self – it’s contagious.
- Anything outside of Christ that brings joy won’t bring a lasting joy.
- We all die – our possessions will eventually go to someone else or be discarded.
- Possessions also break and wear out.
- Don’t let the devil buy you off with these things!
- Knowing Christ & His resurrection brings forth great power.
- The Greek word dynamis is the word from which the English word dynamite is derived.
- Christ’s power is explosive within you.
Key Verses: 2 Tim. 3:1-5, Phil. 3:4-12