The Lord has given us great and exceeding power – we need to become aware of it and learn how to tap into and use it.
Key Points:
- The Holy Spirit is always speaking to us. He has wisdom for us and the answers to all our problems; we need to listen.
- His Power is without limit and immeasurable.
- We need to see the power by faith; that is, we need to have an image of the power at work in our lives, based on the Word.
- What you see, you start to confess; what you confess, you start to believe; what you believe, you start to receive, what you receive, you live in.
- The purpose of the power is not to entertain us, but to be witnesses for Jesus
- Inward witness; we begin to change from the inside out, via the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
- Outward witness: we will talk about Jesus and share the good news with others.
Key Verses: Eph. 1:15-19, Acts 1:6-8, Mark 16:16-18, Acts 8