There is great power in unity and being in one accord.
Key Points
- There is great power in unity.
- The three members of the Godhead are all in unity.
- While they were building the Tower of Babel, God said that there was nothing that men couldn’t do if they were united.
- The Father will grant anything that is brought to Him by believers in agreement.
- There is tremendous blessing in unity.
- Unity before Pentecost
- They experienced a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- The disciples were united in their purpose.
- The purpose was obedience towards Jesus’ commandment.
- Previously the disciples would often squabble and bicker among themselves over who was the greatest. ()
- What changed?
- The Holy Spirit hadn’t yet fallen.
- Witnessing the death and resurrection of Jesus undoubtedly brought them more tightly together.
- Unity in the early church
- When the church is in one accord, it functions like a well-oiled machine.
- Continuing steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine.
- Jesus’ teachings.
- The Law & the prophets (OT)
- Steadfast = firm, fixed, not subject to change
- Signs & wonders were done
- Needs were met.
- The disciples didn’t value their own possessions or wealth above the needs of their brethren.
- They kept things simple
- They praised God
- When persecution would arise, they would band together in unity (See Acts 4:24)
Key Verses Gen. 1:26, Gen. 11:1-9, Matt. 18:19, Ps. 133, Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1-5; 40-47, Acts 4:32, Acts 5:12, Rom. 15:1-6, Mark 10:35-45, Luke 9:46, Luke 22:24
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