Key Points
- The light that comes from the Lord has a battery that never runs out.
- Those who are in the world and deceived by the darkness need the light.
- Don’t consult those who are in darkness for counsel.
- Stay connected to God because He’s the one who knows the outcome.
- He knows where the provision is for your need.
- We need to recognize that we need to submit our will to His will.
- Even though we are weak, we can live through His power.
- Christ connects us to God through the cross
- He removed our sins.
- He washed us with His blood.
- He ascended to the heaven & sent the Holy Spirit to us.
- Staying connected to God has rewards on earth and in heaven.
- If our lives aren’t blessed, we should consider our ways:
- Sowing and not seeing a harvest?
- Not all harvests come in at the same rate
- Aways craving more, and never satisfied?
- Not comforted?
- Money always going just as fast as it comes?
- Sowing and not seeing a harvest?
Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 13:4, Haggai 1:2-7