We are blessed today to have Pastor Veron House as our special guest speaker.
Key Points
- Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength
- The Lord never says how long the wait is.
- We need to prepare for His return
- This means the return of His power & glory in the church, not just the second coming.
- The foolish virgins could have gone into the feast, but they were unprepared. By the time they realized they were out of oil, it was too late.
- Preparation is going from believing that the Lord will move in our lives to having faith that He will.
- Faith is taking a step of action that aligns with your belief.
- Preparation requires an active pursuit of Him everyday.
- Be hungry for Him.
- When the Lord returns next, He’s coming to stay.
- It’s not a visitation, but a habitation.
- Do you really want to see God in a way you’ve never seen Him?
- If yes, what are you willing to do?
- When He returns, he will restore & do many things again:
- Refresh
- Renew
- Restore
- Refill
- God sought out Adam when he fell and hid.
- He asked Adam where he was; Adam should have been asking God instead where He was.
Key Verses: Isaiah 40:31, Matthew 25:1-13, Genesis 3:9-10