Very few will find the life that God wants for us. It is a life of victory – all of the battles have been won and those who find that life will walk in complete victory. Jesus Himself said the way to this life was narrow and not easy – it will require our total attention. We cannot look for shortcuts to God – there are no quick fixes or quick answers.
God created the heavens and the earth using wisdom – we need to build our lives with wisdom also. The wisdom we need to use is Godly wisdom – that which is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy & good fruits. Worldly wisdom is self-seeking and demonic – it will not help us build our lives successfully.
As we follow the narrow path that leads to God’s life, we’re not to stay away from those who are walking the wide path to destruction. They need to see the fruits of our lives on the narrow path in order to see the benefits and desire to walk the difficult path.
Wisdom is attainable to everyone – we just need to seek after it. It’s all a matter of choice.
Key Scriptures: Matthew 7:13-14, Proverbs 24:1-4; 3:19-20, James 3:13-18, Proverbs 4