The Gathering Place

Located at 24 Albany Ave in Nassau, The Gathering Place is here to serve the community’s needs. The location contains a Next-to-New shop, a Food Pantry, household items, furniture, and clothing. There is something here for everyone. Also, included is a Christian lending library.

The Food Pantry is here to help serve the people in need in the Nassau and surrounding areas. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Nassau community and the surrounding areas for all the donations and support that we have received. Without you, we couldn’t HELP others the way we have.

Stop in and have fellowship while shopping. You can also come in to see the different crafts our fellow brethren have on display. All the proceeds go to support the Food Pantry.

The light of the Lord can be seen on the faces of people as He lifts their burdens. The Lord is drawing in the lost as they come in reaching for salvation. The ministering brethren are being blessed every day while giving their time and spreading the Gospel to the community.

We also want to thank the community for donations of household items, clothing, food, money and support. We also seek and appreciate your continued support. We would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone in the community to stop in and say hello. God bless you.


Tuesday: 12PM – 7PM
Wednesday: 10AM – 4PM
Thursday: 12PM – 7PM
Friday: 10AM – 4PM
Saturday: 10AM – 1PM