Staying connected to the vine (Jesus) is a constant, daily thing. Disconnecting from Jesus is like our blood vessels deciding not to pass blood one day – we’ll dry up and die. When we disconnect, we grow cold and indifferent towards the things of God.
Key Points:
- Divine Connection
- Our connection to the vine
- Divine Order
- The Father brings order to the branch by pruning it.
- Divine Purpose
- Our purpose in life is to bear fruit.
- We don’t produce the fruit – that’s up to God; we just bring it forth.
- It’s our choice to bring it forth or not; God will not force us.
- Divine Glory
- Our fruit will glorify God.
- The fruit is not just for us, but to bring forth light to others, bringing glory to God.
- Bearing good fruit causes us to have confidence in God; we can go boldly to Him.
- Bad fruit will cause us to put confidence in ourselves.
- Divine Praise
- Remaining connected to Jesus will cause us to praise God.
- Disconnecting will cause us to praise the world.
- Keeping our connection fresh
- Consider our love walks.
- Find ways to bless others rather than trying to get the blessing.
- Praise Him for what He’s done; worship Him for who He is.
- Be thankful in all things.
- When we live thankful lives, we won’t be complaining and murmuring.
- When things aren’t going the way we want them, it could be the Father pruning our lives.
- Stay humble.
- Recognize that all good things come from above.
- Spend time alone with Jesus.
- Study the Word of God.
- Don’t be conformed to the world.
- Be led by the Spirit and not the flesh.
- God operates differently than the world does.
- Learn to be a servant.
- Be more concerned about the needs and interests of others than our own interests.
- Consider our love walks.
- The one who is bearing fruit will ask the Lord for things that will help him to bear more fruit, not for selfish wants.
Key Verses: John 15, 1 Chronicles 16:23-31, Ephesians 2:1-14, Philippians 2:1-7