Overcoming Doubt

It is imperative that we overcome doubt in our lives. If we do not, it will lead to unbelief and cause us to stop walking with the Lord.

Where does doubt come from? It has its origins in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tried to get Eve to doubt what God said about the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Doubt comes to all of us at times. Even John the Baptist doubted Jesus when he was in prison, sending his disciples to ask if He was the Messiah or if he should look for another. His answer was to speak the Word of God, knowing that it would bring comfort. Doubt will come when we have a lack of knowledge of God’s Word in an area of our lives, or when the enemy fires a dart at us.

Key Scriptures: Genesis 3, Matthew 11:2-6, Isaiah 35:4-6, Revelation 12:11

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