Abundant Life

What is the Lord’s definition of abundant life? Our definition will generally revolve around money and possessions. We often look at the world and wonder why are they rich (materially) and not us? The end of the wealthy is not a good end. Without God, they can be brought to desolation in an instant. God’s abundance means never having to worry about tomorrow, not having a large bank account.

While Jesus comes to bring us His abundant life, Satan comes to steal it. He is a thief, so he is stealthy about it. He convinces us slowly that other things are more important than spending time with the Lord. By doing so, he quietly steals our time and our commitment to the Lord. Satan’s ultimate goal is to stop our walk of faith. If he does that, he stops our walk of love. If he kills our walk of faith and our walk of love, he has rendered us useless to God and the body.

The word used for life in John 10:10 is zoe. It means “life in its fullest.” It also means fortitude (to overcome trials), vitality and that we have the joy of the Lord. The zoe life means that we wake up each day, excited to experience what God has for us. That life is God working to meet our need when no one else even knows we have that need. The joy that accompanies this life comes from the Lord dwelling inside of us and knowing that we will go home to be with Him. He does not desire that our joy comes from this world or the things of this world.

Walking in the zoe life means that we overcome. We become the head and not the tail. We become more Christ-like. He makes us more than conquerers. It makes us victors not victims.

Key Scriptures: John 10:10, Psalm 73, Deuteronomy 30:19-20

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