Jesus came that we may have abundant life. Like the treasure hidden in a field, if we’re not looking for it we won’t find it. The value we put on the abundant life will determine how much effort we put on seeking after it. If we truly understand the life Jesus offers us, we’ll give up everything to get it. The life that God has planned for us is beyond our ability to comprehend – no human mind can know what his plans are for us apart from the Spirit.
The key to achieving this life is to seek and strive after the kingdom of God. We need to seek after His righteousness, peace and joy. God’s righteousness, or being in right-standing with Him, requires that we do what God commands us. If we are born again, then the kingdom is inside of us already – it’s not a far away thing to go seeking after. Keep asking, knocking and seeking after it.
Motivation is key. Do we want this to glorify God or to satisfy our own fleshly desires? Don’t be like Simon the Sorcerer. He desired the power of the Holy Spirit, but he had impure and self-serving motives. He received a strong rebuke from Peter and needed to repent of his ways. Contrast this with King Solomon. He asked the Lord for wisdom in order to better serve Him and not for selfish motives. God blessed him abundantly above and beyond what he had asked for.
Key Scriptures: Matthew 13:44-46, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, Matthew 6:33, Luke 17:21, James 4:1-3, Acts 8:9-25, 1 Kings 3:5-13, Matthew 7:7