Peter, Lazarus, the donkey and we were all bound up with something. When we’re bound up, we can’t overcome the wiles of Satan in our lives.
- Peter was bound by fear.
- He walked on the water, but started to sink due to fear.
- He told Jesus that He wouldn’t go to the cross, due to fear of losing everything.
- He was afraid to testify on behalf of Jesus after His arrest – he denied knowing Him.
- Lazarus was bound by his grave clothes.
- After he was raised from the dead, the religious authorities of the day wanted to silence his testimony.
- The Donkey was tied up
- His purpose was to carry the Lord into the city.
- Jesus commanded him to be loosed so that he could fulfill his purpose.
Key Scriptures: Luke 4:18, Luke 19:29-30, Exodus 13:1-2