The enemy knows his time is short. He is therefore working furiously to destroy the work of God and bring as much ruin and devastation as he can.
Some of his wiles include:
- Tempting us with things from which God has already delivered us
- Making the natural, worldly route seem much easier and more convenient than God’s plan
- Example of the tribes of Israel that settled on the east side of the Jordan – it became inconvenient for them to come worship at Jerusalem so they stopped.
Jesus overcame the devil the moment He submitted to the Father saying, “not My will but Your will be done.” We will all have to make this same decision – to follow God’s will or our own will. We overcome, like Jesus by:
- Denying ourselves
- Taking up our crosses
- Following the Lord
Key Scriptures: Revelation 12:11-12; 2 Corinthians 2:11; 2 Timothy 3:1-2 ; Matthew 26:37-39, Matthew 16:24-27