Jesus came to bring us abundant life to enjoy. Look at Peter when he first met Jesus. He had only the words Jesus spoke to go on, no written bible, yet he willingly gave his livelihood completely to Jesus. Peter’s boat was his whole livelihood at that point, and he allowed Jesus to come on the boat to teach. Jesus speaks the Word of God with great authority and power and it brings life.
We see further that Peter obeyed Jesus’ words, despite what he knew himself to be true. He had been fishing for a long time and knew how to catch fish. He had been doing what he knew to do the previous night and caught nothing, yet when Jesus gave him a command to go cast his nets out again. Peter chose to obey the word of Jesus instead of his own knowledge and experience. As a result, he made a huge catch of fish.
We see that the key to abundant life is to keep our eyes focused on His Word and to walk in it. His Word is alive and will produce prosperity within us if we keep it inside of ourselves.
Key Scriptures: John 10:10, Luke 5:1-8, Deuteronomy 8:1-4, Proverbs 4:20-25