Lack in our lives is a sign that we are at war. Lack is falling short in any area of our lives from what God has promised us. The war could be spiritual, or it could be the battle within our own minds. There is still sin dwelling within us – our old nature still exists and still attempts to force its way. The battle comes between our spirits wishing to follow the law of God and our old nature desiring to serve the law of sin.
The battle of wills is also present in our lives. We need to choose whether we will follow our own will, or whether we will bring ourselves into submission to the will of God. Jesus Himself had that battle in the garden – He struggled and did not wish to go to the cross, even asking the Father to take that burden from Him. In the end, however, He submitted to the Father’s will.
We also battle fear, just as Peter did. After the Lord was arrested and on trial, Peter denied having any association with Him because he was afraid. Winning the battle against fear comes when we ask the Lord to change us and to strengthen us, and then we thank Him.
Ultimately, all our battles are won when we submit to God’s will and give Him precedence in our lives. We submit our will to His will, we seek His will being done and we thank Him for performing His will. When we come to that place, then we will see all of our needs met.
Key Scriptures: Romans 7:15-25, Luke 22:39-42; 54-62